Saturday 29 March 2014

Surrogate Mothers by Uday Bakili

Surrogate Mother 

Uday Bakili 

          What is a surrogate mother anyway ? It is a female who carries the child of a another couple or person. One can't really call this "mother" a type of technology, because it is in fact a human being. But rather, the technology used to get the child to grow and exist in a mother, whose genetic makeup won't even affect the child. The technology being used is actually called artificial insemination using Intrauterine insemination. 

       Surrogate mothers is a very beneficial technology for people who have fertility problems, because of many varying reasons. Individuals who desperately want children and cannot get them, see this technology as a very useful alternative. The invention of this technology wasn't by a single person, but rather by the contribution of many people. In 1944, John Rock fertilized the first human ova outside the uterus, this lead to first surrogate mother in 1985, which has been continuing on till today.

 Surrogate mothers work by artificially getting sperm cells injected into their uterus. Mothers, get fertilized and grow the baby inside of them for the full duration of the 9 months. So, far it has been a very successful treatment with a 85 percent success rate.

As all good things have flaws so do surrogate mothers, there are many problems that might arise. The most common, is that their could be problems getting the surrogate mother fertilized, or the child could have genetic defects due to flawed genetics. The more common problem is that some surrogate mothers, don’t want to let the baby go, after it is born. 

Some ethical issues with this technolgy is that some parts of society believe that only a mother has the right to have her own child. They believe that it is improper to have a mother who is only raising the child for the payment of it.

 In the future, I think that scientists should worry less about the technological aspect of this, but more on the choice of the mother. Some mothers wish not to give the baby away, and scientists should pick women that are completely certain they 

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